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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default Wanted: A French Toast Recipe Please.

e-mail from gene > wrote:

> I
> would be very grateful for any cooking tips you'd care to offer me.

Here is a nice Spanish version from _A Book of Mediterranean Food_ by
Elizabeth David.



The Spanish version of a sweet well known in most European countries,
and designed for using up stale bread. In France it is called 'pain
First prepare a syrup of 1/4 lb of sugar, a coffeecupful of water, a
small piece of lemon peel, a pinch of cinnamon, all cooked together for
10 minutes or so. When the syrup has cooled add a small glass of sweet
white wine or sherry.
Cut 8 to 10 slices of white bread, about 1/4 inch thick. Soak them in
milk (about 1/2 pint), then in beaten egg (1 large egg should be
Fry the slices until crisp and golden in very hot olive oil. Pour the
cooled syrup over them and serve.
Instead of sugar honey can be used to make the syrup.