Zucchini Bread ('Tis the season!)
sf wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Aug 2010 21:33:01 -0600, "gloria.p" >
> wrote:
>> Serene Vannoy wrote:
>>> Sounds delightful. I'm sure you'd be happy to ship me some, right?
>>> Somehow, I'm the only person in the world who never gets free
>>> zucchini from gardening friends. Persimmons, oranges, even
>>> tomatoes, but never zucchini. *pout*
>> You need a better quality of friends!
> I don't get zucchini from gardens either, but I don't know anyone with
> a garden other than my son-in-law whose garden is tiny. He gives me
> tomatoes and eggplant.
I tried growing zucchini last year just to see this fabulous bounty
people talk about. The plants did fine, took up a huge amount of
room and I think I got one zuke. Forget that, if I want zucchini they
sell it at the store for dirt cheap. I save my garden space for my
beloved cucumbers and tomatoes.
I have gotten the bug to make zucchini bread.