Zucchini Bread ('Tis the season!)
Giusi wrote:
> "Nancy Young" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> I tried growing zucchini last year just to see this fabulous bounty>
>> people talk about. The plants did fine, took up a huge amount of>
>> room and I think I got one zuke.
> You can even grow them in a pot, if they get emough sun and heat and
> water. The resaon isn't cheap zuchine, it's the flowers, which can be
> all male that never form fruit.
Perhaps that's what the problem was. I thought If you pick the
flowers, you won't get zucchini. It was a half-hearted experiment
and I got what I put into it.
I have seen the flowers for sale, both at the farmer's market and
the produce store. I have never seen them at any supermarket.