Your recipe is rather close to my favorite recipe, which (with my
comments and those of others who have tried it) follows:
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
Title: Leave Me Alone Roast Beast
Categories: Company, Beef, Favorite, Lamb
Yield: 8 servings
4 lb Roast of beef
Cooking oil
Preheat oven [MANDATORY] to 500 F. (Yes, five hundred.) Make sure
oven reaches the full 500 F before proceeding. Coat outside of meat
with oil, be sure and coat ALL exposed parts, in creases, everywhere.
Put in cooking pan, I like one which has a grate so that the meat
doesn't sit in the juices. Cook boneless roast at 500 F for 5
minutes per pound for extremely rare, 7 minutes/lb for very rare.
For bone-in roast, use 8 minutes/lb for medium-rare.
Turn off oven. DO NOT OPEN DOOR. Go away, leave it alone for...oh
overnight, or at least several hours. You may use almost any size
roast, following the minutes/pound rule. You may also use pork, or
probably any other "roast" you wish.
Joan's comments: I thought this was very strange the first time I
heard about it, but in the South, it's the only way you can have a
roast in the summer (if you don't have air conditioning). It doesn't
spoil sitting in the oven overnight. It doesn't burn by the high
heat. BTW: my child always calls it "Roast Beast" instead of "Roast
Beef", you should see the looks he gets in a restaurant. <G>
Comments from Donald McIntire (72632,1240): With regard to others'
questions about the rate of cool-down, I checked when I did my roast.
With an ambient temperature of about 72 F in the kitchen, one hour
after I turned the gas oven off, the temperature in the oven was
about 220 F. (I have an oven thermometer which I can see through the
door.) At two hours, it was about 175 F and at three hours it was
below 100 F.
From: Joan Mershon Date: 12/10/93
The Lunatic Fringe Bbs (901) F-Cooking
Brought to you by MMCONV and Oh my stars!
<burp> I used a ribeye roast and let it sit about 4 hours after
turning the oven off. It was deliciously very rare, just like I like
it. I used a 4 lb ribeye roast, and generously sprinkled with salt
and pepper after coating it with oil. I served it with Yorkshire
pudding and horseradish sauce and fresh steamed cauliflower and we
all ate WAY too much. Another time, when I bought the roast at 4:30
and wanted to serve it that night, I gave it an extra 2 minutes/lb
and only let it sit 1/2 hour. Definitely tastier if you let it sit
for hours, but it was still delicious. I also used this to roast a
leg of lamb. It was "semi-boneless" which I think was a terrible
misnomer, there was a BIG leg bone through the middle, so I gave it
10 minutes/lb and it was a nice medium-rare.
Sylvia Steiger RN, homeschooling mom since Nov 1995
Cheyenne WY, USDA zone 5a, Sunset zone 1a
Home of the Wyoming Wind Festival, January 1-December 31
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