Thread: A Rant
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Default OT accents (was Rant)

On 22 Apr 2004 21:02:22 GMT, Michael Pronay > wrote:

>Vino > wrote:
>> I have long had the sense that, when it came to Gewurztraminer,
>> the Germans used the umlaut and the French didn't, although I've
>> never done a scientific study to support this belief.

>No need for a specific study - it's the pronunciation/spelling

I figured that much. My point, which I admittedly did not make clear,
was which spelling is used on French (effectively Alsatian in this
case) labels versus what is used on German labels. I suspect your
answer applies in either case.

Is any GW made in Austria? If it is, I suspect the umlaut is used
there also.

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