>my 11 year old daughter and I were at the local grocery store the other day,
>when she spotted a peach in the 'organic produce' section - she grabs it and
>announces loudly " now THAT'S a PEACH!!!"
>it was softball sized. I'd never seen anything like it either! They were
>$2.49 a pound.
>We bought it (one) anyway - (cost $1.81 !!!!!) it was delicious and it will
>be the last time I buy one of those babies!!!
Hm, now I'm wondering if that is something that will grow true from seed,
or if you have to graft the thing, and wondering if I have a nursery catalog
what I can get a tree from and if so if it will bear here, and if I'd need to
cull fruits to a certain number of leaves per fruit to get that size.