Thread: Coffee
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pure kona pure kona is offline
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Default Coffee

On Tue, 07 Sep 2010 22:53:17 -0500, "Pete C." >

>Kent wrote:
>> "Pete C." > wrote in message
>> >
>> > Steve B wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I just bought four 12 oz pkgs of Starbucks coffees for $6.88 each. I got
>> >> the dark bold roasts, as I like those. How can I open and keep all four
>> >> fresh so I can taste them separately, and yet keep them fresh until I use
>> >> them all, which could be a while?
>> >>
>> >> Steve
>> >
>> > Simple, use a Foodsaver vacuum machine with the Foodsaver large jar
>> > sealer accessory. You put the coffee into standard quart Mason canning
>> > jars and then vacuum them sealed with the Foodsaver. Also store the
>> > vacuumed jars in the freezer. When you want to use the coffee you just
>> > pop the lid seal with a twist of a spoon, take out what you need and
>> > then vacuum the lid back on. I also recommend getting much better coffee
>> > from
>> >
>> >

>> When you do the above, is there an airspace between the beans and the jar?
>> if so, the vacuum isn't going to remove all the oxygen. The beans will still
>> oxidize, though slightly less. Tightly wrapping and freezing decreases
>> oxidation far more effectively. I think the Ziplock Airsuck method with
>> freeze works as effectively as anything other than roasting beans on the
>> spot.

>There is vacuum space, not air space. I could also dry nitrogen purge
>before vacuuming, but it wouldn't make much difference.
>> about:
>> Estate Grade Run Roasted PURE Kona coffee - 1 lb Bag $20.00
>> Estate Grade Run Roasted PURE Kona coffee - 1 lb Bag - Ground $21.00
>> You've got to be nuts. You're going to pay that much and ship the coffee
>> while it oxidizes? You're going to pay that much under any circumstance.

>It's in sealed bags and not oxidizing in transit, and that transit only
>takes three days.

Hey thanks Pete. Hope you read we were locked out of cyberspace for 5
days. (DH computer died 4 days before mine collapsed.)

We use one way valves on our bags- lets the gases out and does not let
oxygen it. We pay for that one way valve system. Bag does not blow
up as gases from fresh coffee bloom.
