Willing To Pay Higher Restaurant Prices?
Il 11/09/2010 15:25, Bryan ha scritto:
>> I heard that in Canada they go to jail, and I strongly support this. I'd
>> love to have the same law here in Italy, where the illegal undocumented
>> work issue is getting greater every day. There you have mexicans? Hee we
>> have chinese and the situation is the same. Who hires chinese illegals
>> (almost always another chinese) does it in order to pay them like 200
>> euro per month instead of a minimum of 800-900 for a full time worker.
>> Then comes the italian part of it, with companies outsourcing theyr work
>> to these chinese-run sweatshops scattered all around Italy.
> As long as you have a prime minister who is a neo-fascist, businesses
> getting away with that is to be expected.
The trouble is that when the this small-scale mafia-made dux loses the
elections, things don't freaking change. The alternative is the same
freaks who didn't say nothing when he started to run for premier
notwhistanding laws forbidding this, in Italy. And they never did
nothing for the working class. Have you ever read some aout the famous
"legge Biagi" (Biagi Act), killed by the new branches of the vrigate
Rosse hard leftwing terrorists? The left wing cried against this law
saying that it brougth too much "precariato" (working today without
knowing if you'll be working tomorrow). As Berlusconi lost the 2006
elections, the left went straigth on to disapply the 69th article of
that "legge Biagi", thus denying the employee's benefits to tenths of
thousands of workers. This is the alternative to Berlusconi, just
another bunch of clowns willing to sell the workers's asses to the
corporations' guys (confindustria is the name, here).
So the issue is not the midfascist midget from Arcore, it's Italy
itself, where every political formation winning the elections
immediately starts to please Confindustria while showering the working
class with lies and fake promises.
Anyway I agree with you about this dwarf: I can't realize why people
votes him. He pretendes to stay on the right wing? OK, right wing also
means law & order: he filled his home, his corporations and his
goverments with "gentlemen" who got sentenced even twice for "having had
relations with mafia", a heavy offense for italian law. Previti got 11
years, Dell'Utri (co-founder of berlusconi's party) was sentence dto 7
years for the same offense.
If one is right handend and knows that right also means law & order, how
can this guy vote for a person who's lived more than 30 years among mand
along with mafia men? I TV is in his hands, not a small thing, ut, hell...
and the Family Stone