"Restaurants mark up wine by a lot more than you might expect."
Mike Tommasi wrote:
> If you tip 20% in a really good restaurant they practically run after
> you like a thief... for some reason, the better the restaurant, the
> higher the tip gets, so you are expected to pay 25% at a AAA 5 star...
> I always thought that the tip was calculated on the food only.
> Anyhow, the whole business about tipping in the US is insane. Not sure
> why the IRS lets this nonsense go on...
In the US it's customary to tip on the total food bill minus any taxes.
Do waiters/waitresses in high priced restaurants work any harder than
waiters/waitresses in hamburger joints? I think not. For good service
on a $10 meal I'll leave a 25% tip.
Dick in the USA