Cereal Prizes
On 11/09/2010 5:22 PM, Tara wrote:
> My big brother and I used to love getting the prizes out of a box of
> cereal. We were pretty good at wiggling our grubby hands through the
> cereal to get to the prize at the bottom. I remember diving
> submarines that were powered by baking soda. We both have a vague
> memory of a train trip that was somehow subsidized by Wheaties box
> tops.
> My boys got their first cereal box prize this week. They were
> intrigued by an episode of the Max and Ruby cartoon in which Max is
> trying to get to the bottom of a box of cereal to get the prize. They
> had never seen cereal with prizes because we rarely buy the store
> brand and we don't buy the junky, colorful cereal. Miracle of
> miracles, I realized that the two boxes of Golden Grahams in our
> pantry contained Shrek markers. They were delighted. The prizes
> aren't in the bottom of the cereal anymore; they are between the wax
> paper liner and the box.
Up in the air, Junior Bird Man!
Up in the air, Bird Man true!
Up in the air, Junior Bird Man!
Keep your eyes up in the blue! (Up in the blue!)
And when you hear that grand announcement,
Then we will all have wings of tin.
And you can bet your Junior Bird Men
Will send their boxtops in!
It takes just 4 boxtops, 6 bottle bottoms,
3 wrappers, 2 coupons,
And one thin dime!
I don`t remember baking soda powered submarines but I do remember the
baking soda powered scuba divers.
The only thing I collect religiously was from Cadburys chocolate milk
powder. There was one small chocolate bar with a letter on the wrapper
and if you collected the wrappers to spell Cadburys you could send them
in and they sent you a box of chocolate bars.