Cereal Prizes
On Sep 11, 5:22*pm, Tara > wrote:
> My big brother and I used to love getting the prizes out of a box of
> cereal. * We were pretty good at wiggling our grubby hands through the
> cereal to get to the prize at the bottom. * I remember diving
> submarines that were powered by baking soda. *
I remember sending away for 3-d viewers that worked with the slides in
Shredded Wheat (3d dinosaurs! Bigger and brighter than a ViewMaster.)
I'd hit up neighbors and relatives for their boxtops.
But I *really* liked the things that came in Jello and Sheriff Pudding
(little disks with pictures such as classic cars, USAF aircraft,
hockey players, etc) in Canada, and the 1x3" cards that came in Red
Rose tea (Mammals, Flowers, etc.) Later they had 1" tall china
figurines of animals and such.