Cereal Prizes
On 9/12/2010 1:59 PM, Omelet wrote:
> In article
> >,
> > wrote:
>> On Sep 11, 5:22 pm, > wrote:
>>> My big brother and I used to love getting the prizes out of a box of
>>> cereal. We were pretty good at wiggling our grubby hands through the
>>> cereal to get to the prize at the bottom. I remember diving
>>> submarines that were powered by baking soda. We both have a vague
>>> memory of a train trip that was somehow subsidized by Wheaties box
>>> tops.
>>> My boys got their first cereal box prize this week. They were
>>> intrigued by an episode of the Max and Ruby cartoon in which Max is
>>> trying to get to the bottom of a box of cereal to get the prize. They
>>> had never seen cereal with prizes because we rarely buy the store
>>> brand and we don't buy the junky, colorful cereal. Miracle of
>>> miracles, I realized that the two boxes of Golden Grahams in our
>>> pantry contained Shrek markers. They were delighted. The prizes
>>> aren't in the bottom of the cereal anymore; they are between the wax
>>> paper liner and the box.
>>> Tara
>> While we're on the subject, does anyone remember the commercials for
>> Breeze laundry detergent with Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner? The
>> boxes actually came with bath towels inside them. This was before my
>> time but Oxydol used to put glassware inside their boxes. My mom
>> still has the glass plate she got out of a box of Oxydol.
> I still remember the glass ware you could get at gas stations...
> and gas under $.25 per gallon. Mom and dad bitched when it hit $.27.
I have some of those glasses. They were from the Bicentennial. My mom
had them. I also have a small collection of the tall, thin Dairy Queen
glasses. They are frosted with red and blue tear drops.
Are they worth anything?
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.