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Bigbazza[_33_] Bigbazza[_33_] is offline
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Posts: 2
Default How is Coppa 'Capocollo' Eaten or used in Cooking?

From the manufacturers Web Site.......

..Made from a seasoned pork neck, the coppa is dry cured in salt and firmed
through strict temperature control. Best served thinly sliced. Natural
Chilli is added to hot Coppa.

I bought a 550g piece of this yesterday, it was 'Marked down' in price, due
to it's approaching 'use by date'....... It say's that it must be consumed
within 4 days of opening!

That is all I know of it!

Any suggestions as to how to use it?... Can it be eaten (as it is) in a
'cured' only state as bought, or must (or can) it be cooked and incorporated
in some cooking?
Bigbazza (Barry) Oz

"Happiness is never an accident. It is the prize we get when we choose
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