Willing To Pay Higher Restaurant Prices?
On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 17:26:31 -0700 (PDT), Bryan wrote:
> On Sep 14, 7:04*pm, "Lionel Hutz, Esq." > wrote:
>> "Lionel Hutz, Esq." > wrote in ...
>>> "Bryan" > wrote in message
>>>> I didn't say I wouldn't rent to curry users, just that I'm glad that
>>>> the tenant is not. *I should put in the lease--in addition to no
>>>> smoking--a paragraph about odors. *Heck, if the lady goes on the
>>>> internet and brags about her cooking, and it happens to be as you
>>>> described, I'd have a good reason to not be insulting to her. *That
>>>> doesn't apply to anyone else here.
>>>> --Bryan
>>> And just what would that good reason for not being insulting to her be?
>> Your (notice the lack of apostrophe) silence tells me you know where this is
>> going. *And I'm sure you will tell me that my summation is wrong.
> Obviously it is because I would have the sort of relationship that
> would be best kept amicable. I have no such relationship with anyone
> in the marketplace of ideas that is Usenet.
so your default setting is asshole unless you have a good reason?
> My "silence" was because I have other things going on other than this
> NG. You're obviously not a real lawyer.
you figured that out, huh? what a bright boy. you know, i bet his name
isn't 'lionel hutz,' either.