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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default How is Coppa 'Capocollo' Eaten or used in Cooking?

On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 13:23:26 +0100, Janet > wrote:

>In article <5545d5f4-9787-4f58-a5f3-
>> But a bigger question is, why would you buy something (no matter how
>> inexpensive) if you didn't know what to do with it or how to eat it?

> Because he likes to try new food? I've done that all my life, I'd
>guess many cooks do.
> Janet

I do that most every time I grocery shop.

Most folks buy all sorts of things they've never tried previously only
because it looks interesting and the price is right... this concept is
a major component of "Marketing".

A few days ago while buying cat provisions at Walmart I noticed a
display of 15 bean soup packets, the price looked right; $2.38/20 oz.
I bought two, I have two meaty ham bones saved in my freezer. I never
bought this product before but it looked interesting... I bought the
Cajun variety:

What I have to laugh at is the package says: Yield approximately 3
quarts. Serves 14-16... LOL... to me 1 quart is 2 servings. That's
why I bought two packages, I intend to cook both together... bean soup
freezes well.