Thread: Recipes Wanted!
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Default Recipes Wanted!

On 05 Nov 2003 23:13:37 GMT, (Naomi Darvell) wrote:

>joe wrote:
>>Ever hear of Google, or AltaVista, or Lycos, etc...

>I think it would be really nice if new people could post to this group without
>getting these stupid snarky responses.

This is neither stupid nor snarky. Well, maybe a *little* snarkily
put. The (unquoted) OP said "...looking for some good authentic French
recipes...involving cheese." If people ask for a generic class of
recipes, there are bezillions that can be discovered with the most
minimal effort. The first page (Google) of results from

"french cooking" cheese recipe

included at least half a dozen promising references.

Had the OP said instead "I spent last summer in France and *loved* the
cooking of X, Y, & Z areas. Had some wonderful cheese pastries that
were a little like croissants, but not so puffy. Does anyone know what
these are or have a recipe for making them at home?" he/she would have
probably generated a number of interesting and nostalgic responses.

In fact, if he/she wants "good authentic French recipes" he/she (geez,
I hate PC) might search for good authentic French recipe web sites.