What is your signature pot luck dish?
On Sep 14, 9:05*pm, Dan Abel > wrote:
> In article
> >,
> *Bryan > wrote:
> > Fresh tomatoes and chiles from my garden, chopped, and combined with
> > chopped sweet onions. *That is all. *If the tomatoes were not tart
> > enough, a bit of fresh squeezed lime. *No cilantro, por favor. *Then
> > hen hath pecked.
> If you're talkin' pico de gallo, that's "rooster", not "hen". *A hen
> would be pico de pollo, perhaps?
I should call it that because I use proportionately less chiles in the
stuff I make to share with folks at a pot luck. Really though, the
only pot luck I ever go to anymore is at work, the staff Christmas
party. I really like my coworkers, but there are a couple who bring
horrendous things. We also have snacks on Christmas Eve (about a week
later), but most of that is deli tray stuff donated by members. I've
made the pico de pollo for that, and the senior pastor and his wife go
nuts on it. It's expensive to make in late Dec because good tomatoes
are so high then. Maybe this year I'll make guac.
> --
> Dan Abel