Thread: Cybercat
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Ophelia[_7_] Ophelia[_7_] is offline
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Default Cybercat

"ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> Close, but no cigar. I'm actually 6' 6" - and I don't have a beard. That's
> what shavers were invented for. Should I email you some pics of my
> tattoos? ;-)

Oh just post them on the blog........... <g>

> But seriously - I know most people we "meet" on-line are generally decent
> human beings - but how can anybody be 100% certain about who they're
> dealing with on-line until they actually do meet 'face to face' in Real
> Life? And even then, how can one be sure that the person turning up at the
> meeting *is* indeed the same person, and not someone that has been sent by
> the real person in his/her place? You have to admit that even before there
> was a computer in almost every [First World country) household and we had
> to rely on snail mail, it wasn't unheard of for "pen pals" to send photo's
> of their "good-looking friend" to said pen pals because they thought that
> sending a real photo of themselves would put him/her off.



Yes it is horrible I am just happy to chat in the ngs and take people as
their posting selves. Character does come over. Kind people, nasty people,
bitchy people, cruel people...etc. I have met relatively few people I have
talked with online and it is not something I generally seek so yes, I could
be communicating with a serial killer, but so long as s/he is nice on line,
that is ok with me

Unfortunately, (as in the case of the 12 year old above) anonymity seems to
bring out the worst in some people and they behave in a way they would never
dare to so do in rl. I have written about this elsewhere so forgive me if
you have already seen it.

There arose a 'rule' that what happens online stays online, and of course
the perpetrators of wicked and hurtful attacks, propagate that view because
it protects them. I don't agree with that rule. Those causing real damage
must be held accountable for it, no matter where it is perpetrated. A few
years ago, my husband had to send a 'Cease and Desist' notice after his
character was badly impugned. He didn't even post in the group concerned.
It was done in an effort to hurt me. It was all lies and he didn't give a
damn about ng rules. He was so angry he didn't care how much it would cost
and was quite prepared to go to law.

Had those lies been believed he would have been unemployable.

It did stop and I persuaded him to back off but he was very angry. I can't
think what kind of person finds pleasure in wrecking lives. What ugly
people they are.

I have had my moments too, when I have defended others and got caught up in
the crossfire. I refuse to allow myself to be drawn into that stuff any
more. It holds no pleasure and one finds that it attracts even more filth
and viciousness. Where I see cruelty, as in the case of Andy, I will say my
piece but there it ends.

As for Facebook! I will NOT join even though my children entreat me. I
think it is a dangerous place to be. It seems people post all kinds of
personal details about themselves. To my mind that is courting trouble!