On Sep 18, 6:49*am, "Ophelia" > wrote:
> "Bryan" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On Sep 18, 6:26 am, "Ophelia" > wrote:
> >> As for Facebook! *I will NOT join even though my children entreat me.. *I
> >> think it is a dangerous place to be. *It seems people post all kinds of
> >> personal details about themselves. * To my mind that is courting trouble!
> > What is dangerous about it? *Just don't post any personal details
> > about yourself that you have any problem with a billion other people
> > knowing. *Facebook is less public than Usenet, though Usenet can
> > certainly be more anonymous. *Most stuff about people, if someone
> > really cares to find out, they can find a way to do so. *I'm not vain
> > enough to think that very many people out there who really care about
> > the minutiae of my life.
> Oh, some people do exactly that! *If they can find information to hurt
> someone they take great pleasure in using it! *They think it shows them to
> be clever.. if only they knew...
But I mildly **** people off all the time, I am very public with
almost every detail of my life, and no one has gone after me in a way
that particularly hurt. With Facebook, you can set your page to
private, and then only "friend" your children or other close