On 09/20/2010 06:32 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2:45 pm, "Nancy > wrote:
>> Thanks, I did wonder if people coded anything any more or just used
>> tools.
> The people who write the tools certainly code.
*nod* And they even write coding languages, if the tools don't exist to
do what they want. James codes in probably a dozen languages, including
two or three he wrote himself.
> Folks like us (hard real time, in the nanosecond range) often need to
> get quite close to the metal to get the performance we need.
> I was extremely proud of myself when I wrote my first program that
> required the use of a voltmeter to test its success (a driver for
> a digital-to-analog converter).
Go, you!
ObFood: Today, we're eating leftovers. In the fridge, we have leftover:
Chicken alphabet soup (2 quarts)
Chorizo and eggs
Chocolate fudge
Chicken salad with grapes
Angel hair pasta with peas
And probably something I'm not thinking of. Normally, I don't cook
enough food to have leftovers, but this past week, I've been cooking in
big batches. Especially the chicken, because I cancelled a dinner party
after the chicken was already thawed.
New post: OPMF: Creamed Peas on Toast