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J. Clarke J. Clarke is offline
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Default Micro-Toaster-Convection Oven

On 9/19/2010 3:22 PM, Steve Freides wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
>> In >,
>> "Steve > wrote:
>>> We don't have a toaster, but we do have a toaster oven that makes
>>> fine toast, tuna melts, and the like. My favorite use for it is for
>>> what we call cheese toast - piece of bread, topped with sharp
>>> cheddar plus a little garlic powder and brown pepper, cooked in the
>>> toaster oven until the cheese is golden and bubbly, usually at 400
>>> degrees for 3 minutes or so.
>>> We have a microwave.
>>> My wife says she'd like to have one less of these in our none-too-big
>>> kitchen, and directs me to ask here, so here I am. Would, e.g., a
>>> combo convection oven and microwave do what we need? I guess one
>>> question is really whether a convection oven can take the place of a
>>> toaster oven - we've never owned a convection oven.
>>> Specific brand/model recommendations appreciated.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> -S-

>> I have an Oster brand combo convection/toaster oven. It does not
>> have a microwave function.
>> I like it and it works very well for me!

> So far, no one is suggesting a combination convection and microwave,
> e.g.,

I have a Sunbeam Express Meals combination toaster/microwave oven--no
convection. It works in both functions but heats unevenly in both modes
and the microwave function is decidedly underpowered.

I dunno if newer models are more satisfactory, however generally a
do-it-all tool does everything less well than separate tools that are

If you have a satisfactory microwave and a satisfactory toaster oven
already I can't see any good reason to spend money on an all-in-one.