In message <RE1nc.12044$A27.11686@fed1read06>, Fred >
>1989 was a great year in Bordeaux. Go for something from there. I feel
>sorry for those that joined your company in a lousy vintage. If you like
>Rioja, try a Paulliac or a St. Emilion.
I was thinking if it truly had been a bad year, I'd ask for something
from the year I moved to my current department ('90), or perhaps get
something from 10 years ago ('94) if that might open up my options.
Thanks Fred. As a student in 1986, not knowing anything about wine but
determined not to get the cheapest thing on the supermarket shelf, I
bought back a bottle of Paulliac from a day trip to France. My flatmate,
who worked in Harrod's wine department at the time, was quite impressed
with my selections (I remember another bottle was of Rully, and I had
three others).
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