Recipe for Unimix or Other Nutritionally Complete Food?
> A "recipe" for UNIMIX is a contradiction in terms. If you believe it
> to be a complete nutritional program, then surely all you have to do
> is spoon it out and swallow. Various diet foods and nutritional
> substitutes for Real Food exist -- sugar, water, protein powder, and
> vitamins. UNIMIX is probably Boost without the water.
I wanted a recipe for making Unimix, not a recipe for doing things
with it.
> If you're interested enough to query a cooking group, why not consider
> cooking Real Food? People don't eat kibble -- goats eat kibble. There
> is no human "cuisine" based on a basic mix of nutritional absolutes.
> In desperate situations, supplements may need to be supplied, but
> flour, cooking oil, and vitamin pills aren't food for life.
Since creating something like Unimix qualifies as cooking, the query
is valid here, especially if ways of preparing it (bars, soup, etc...)
are presented. Besides, I thought my request might be welcome to
those who enjoy a challenge. Create a tasty food that is also
nutritionally complete. How to combine a variety of foods (that form
a complete nutritional profile) in a tasty (and maybe convenient)
manner? How many variations (sweet, savory, bland) can you come up
> One of my brothers had a housemate who decided unheated cans of
> condensed soup were adequate for human life, and bought a case to
> sustain him over a busy week. A youthful constitution can survive just
> about anything. :-)
People can survive a while on foods of questionable quality for a
while. However, I'm looking for a recipe for a food that someone can
eat exclusively and remain healthy.