need recipe for cyprus potatoes
On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 09:18:12 -0700, Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> "James Silverton" > wrote:
>> Paul wrote on Tue, 21 Sep 2010 21:19:15 -0700:
>>> "Chemo the Clown" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>> On Sep 20, 12:29 pm, LARRY > wrote:
>>>> need recipe for cyprus potatoes
>>> Google can be your friend.
>> Why bother going to Google when it should be more efficient to ask the
>> OP who must know what they are?
> Besides which, I wonder if Paul bothered to look at what was returned by
> his query. There wasn't much in the way of recipes, rather it was
> mostly UK references to crop failures of potatoes in Cyprus. Then
> again, consider the source...
> I did a Google search on
> Cyprus potatoes recipe
> and got information about recipes. Also lots of repeats of the posts
> here on this group!
isn't it great that we're rocketed around the world wide web with virtually
no effort on our parts?
your pal,