On Sat, 08 May 2004 13:02:24 -0500, jcoulter
> wrote:
>Emery Davis > wrote in
>> Also this was a banner year in the Southern Rhone. How about a
>> great Chateauneuf du Pape? The '89's are drinking wonderfully now.
>> Again, should be lots of choices in your price range. A cuvée Gonnet
>> from Font de Michelle? Maybe you can even find a Beaucastel or Rayas
>> in the range. The '89's will hold for a good while yet, too.
>> Lots of choices, have fun!
>> [snip]
>OH my god, the 89 and 90 Southern Rhones were my re introduction to fine
>wine and made a devotee of me. If only I could have a few bottles back!
Like I said, 89 Beaucastel, suuuuuperb.
Mike Tommasi, Six Fours, France
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