On 9/23/2010 3:40 PM, Dimitri wrote:
> Entertaining daughter # 4 + Granddaughter in from Illinois.
> Katie (8 today) requested Papa (me) to grill some tri-tip for dinner.
> Obviously a girl of GREAT taste.
> Turns out the tri-tip is almost non-existent in southern Illinois & they
> ended up having to go to a local butcher shop & order s full case.
> Costco there seems to have discontinued the product.
> So there's a 3 pounder marinating in garlic, onion powders, pepper, &
> MSG red wine vinegar (smidge) some Zinfandel.
> It will be grilled very slowly till pink then charred.
> going to sprouts to find a bunch of veggies to grill & maybe some
> grilled peaches brushed with Balsamic.
> I understand tri-tip is not known all over the immediate world.
> Here's the history from the Santa Maria Elks
> http://www.santamariaelks.com/history/tritip.html
> Enjoy.
> Dimitri
From what I've seen it's pretty much non-existent anywhere but
California and maybe the left coast.
My neighbor got one pre-marinated in a cryovac bag at the WalMart.
That's the only time I've seen one here. It was so high in sodium (not
to mention the rest of the chemistry set) that I wouldn't eat it.
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.