maxine in ri > wrote in message
On Sep 26, 12:19 pm, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> >
> Thus far, I'm with the majority, who do have sponges, and
> use various methods to clean them.
We are very similar-minded at Clan Ranger; we use sponges regularly and,
depending on the need, methods vary accordingly.
> I use mine regularly to wipe up spills, with bleach to clean the
> (white) counters, and periodically it goes in the dishwasher when it's
> been wiping up after raw meat or fish.
We also nuke our sponges. The first time you take it out fresh from the MW,
you're more careful after that.
> Knock wood, noone has ever gotten sick after eating in my house, so
> whatever I'm doing must be working.
We're more Libertarian at Clan Ranger. If we like you, we take extra care to
bring you back. If, OTOH, we don't think you are worth the effort...
The Ranger