Parsley...the pretender is dead!
On Mon, 27 Sep 2010 22:30:10 GMT, notbob > wrote:
> WOW! Unlike flat-leaf parsley, which has gone the way of agribiz
> tomatoes, and has little if any flavor whatsoever, curly leaf parsley
> still has that parsley bitterness and flavor parsley is all about.
> Next time you're in the store, taste 'em both. Night and day! One is
> a distinct flavorful herb while the other is less than 3-day rain
> soaked lawn clippings. The good news, they both look exactly the same
> after fine mincing or processing in an FP.
Nodding head in agreement. I grow my own. Flat leaf has all the
flavor of paper and curly has *flavor*.
Never trust a dog to watch your food.