What's for dinner? aka need to get to the store
On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 17:33:00 -0400, "Cheryl" >
> I am in severe need to get to the grocery store but not in the mood tonight.
> Maybe tomorrow. What would you do with what I have on hand? No need to use
> everything, but I'd love to use up some of the ham.
> Thawed out some leftover ham that was sealed in foodsaver bag. About a
> pound, big chunks
> Egg noodles
> spinach
> ricotta cheese - about 8 oz
> a few other frozen veggies - peas, broccoli, green beans, lima beans
> a little half and half for my coffee, butter, plenty of dried herbs and
> spices
> an onion
> scallions
> a potato
> - No milk, eggs or fresh herbs. No fresh veggies. Mostly anything that
> has short shelf life is out of stock in this house right now. You know, the
> more I think about it, other than the staples, I probably have more to eat
> here than a lot of America right now. I sure can't say I don't have any
> food in the house. Just nothing I can throw in a pan or the microwave to
> cure the hunger.
Your noodles, spinach, ricotta, onion/scallion and some seasoning will
make a kick ass pasta dish.
Never trust a dog to watch your food.