Portable Pot Luck suggestions
On Sep 28, 3:33*pm, Miche > wrote:
> The Weasel (who is now twelve and several inches taller than me) is
> going to a hockey tournament about 4 hours' drive away. *She'll be there
> for the weekend -- leaves on Friday, comes back on Tuesday.
> She's been asked to take a contribution to a pot luck dinner on Friday,
> preferably something that can be packed into a 2-litre (call it 2-quart)
> plastic container and that will handle a 4 hour trip. *I don't know what
> kind of access they have to coolers etc, and I am presuming availability
> of a kitchen at the other end.
> So, any suggestions for good, preferably healthy dishes we could
> contribute? *We haven't been alerted to any dietary restrictions.
> Thanks in advance,
> Miche
> --
> Electricians do it in three phases