Thread: Earthquake
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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Earthquake

"Dimitri" > wrote in message

> Since my house was GREATLY effected in the 94 quake. Many of my neighbors
> short circuited some didn't even know or better said could not figure out
> how to make a pot of coffee. We were without power for several days, TV
> was unavailable. The stores had no power and could not sell things. The
> built up crud in the sewer system dislodged and the my toilets backed up.
> Not only that we could now leave the area because several freeways fell.
> So why post such drivel? The answer is obvious. People will think. At
> least they'll have a nice warm cup of coffee.

While never being affected by an earthquake, I sure have been affected by
power outages that last days and days. One time almost a week. The first
time I ended up leaving and getting a hotel for one night to have some of
the comforts of home. It was summer and hot and when you don't have hot
water to even wash up or clean up the sink and dishes, it's totally gross.
The last time was Isobel here in MD and power was out again nearly a week.
We couldn't even get dry ice because the only place giving it away ran out
before the huge line of people got through it. Couldn't even buy it

One of the MD power companies has had really bad luck this year, but I'm not
one of their customers. We had a period of a month where every time the
wind blew the power went out for hundreds of thousands.

I got a generator after Isobel but again, you have to be prepared in case
you can't get gas to power it. I haven't had to use it yet. Knock wood.
