Outdated sour cream
Roy > wrote in news:9ab16864-b780-4528-9dee-187c1509e3d4
> Just discovered a carton of 14% sour cream in the back of the fridge
> with a year-old expiry date. Upon opening discovered that it smells
> fine and looks fine. Would there be any danger in eating this on my
> baked potatoes?
I've had sour cream that was way past the use by date, but not opened, and it
was fine. I've also had sour cream that was opened and been in the fridge for
a couple of weeks, that started to grow funny coloured mould.
So I think it's a case of use it quickly, and don't leave it sit opened for
too long.
When you think about it, it's really quite funny.... having a "use by date"
on sour cream!!
Peter Lucas
The act of feeding someone is an act of beauty,
whether it's a full Sunday roast or a jam sandwich,
but only when done with love.