which vintage wine from 1989?
congokid > wrote in
> My work bosses are rewarding those staff with more than 10 years'
> service, and more than 30 days' annual leave, with a their choice of a
> bottle of wine that was bottled in the year they joined the company
> (those with 25 days or less are getting an extra five days' annual leave
> instead).
> Unfortunately I joined in 1989, which I understand wasn't a great year
> for many wine regions.
> I like many Riojas, especially reservas and gran reservas, and brought
> back a few mid-range bottles (25-30 euros) from a visit to Haro last
> weekend, as well as many Californian wines. I don't know much about
> French wines and haven't drunk many recently, but enjoy most I've tried.
> I don't know the upper cost limit on the wine I can choose, but let's
> assume that it could be as much as UKP100 (about 150 euros).
> I also imagine I wouldn't want to drink it straight away, but save it to
> open in two, maybe four, years.
> Can anyone suggest wines from 1989 that would fit the bill?
1989 was a great year in Bordeaux. Go for something from there. I feel
sorry for those that joined your company in a lousy vintage. If you like
Rioja, try a Paulliac or a St. Emilion.