sf wrote:
Andy wrote:
>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> > Andy wrote:
>> >
>> >>To us, Mexican meatloaf meant adding Cholula sauce to ground beef.
>> >
>> > During the '60s in Tijuana... Meatloaf was that donkey... go Meatloaf,
>> > go Meatloaf, go Meatloaf! Meatloaf got Juanita's Cholula Sauce! Ole!
>> >
>> > I think the loaf yoose talkin' is two woids; meat loaf.
>> >
>> > http://www.amazon.com/Cholula-Mexica.../dp/B0000GGHO2
>> Yep. That's the stuff!
>I knew what Cholula sauce was, so I was hoping that link would tell me
>about the difference between meatloaf and meat loaf.
Meat loaf is a noun.
Meatloaf is a proper noun.
>I have no idea what a donkey has to with hot sauce.
As if you don't know. hehe
You're just tying to portray yourself as all innocent virginal.
But we know that you don't have an innocent hair, you're all vaginal!
Meatloaf the Donkey has to do with Mexican.
Search: <Tijuana donkey show>
Ahahahahaha. . . .