I fear this stuff! fish sauce!
On Oct 5, 1:20*pm, Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Oct 2010 09:44:31 -0700 (PDT), piedmont wrote:
> > Going to use it in Pad Thai tonight, it had a soda pop or beer bottle
> > type cap on it and when I took the cap off there was no rush of air so
> > I guess it's safe. It's made with anchovies. There was a lady shopper
> > in the Oriental store who said it was a good brand. I triple cap it by
> > placing saran wrap around threads, then screw on plastic cap then
> > cover and seal with foil! Not really that foul smelling but a tad more
> > than typical american grocery fish sauce.
> > Michael
> You don't use mam nem in pad thai. *You use nuoc mam - a totally
> different, clear fish sauce that is much more common than mam nem.
> Totally different flavor and texture. *No to mention it's going to
> make your pad thai look muddy.
> -sw
I can look for the nuoc mam in the store, Thanks! I did make my Pad
Thai last night and it came out quite well I suppose as I've never had
real Thai Pad Thai in Thailand, but it seems to the original recipe
according to some websites. It smelled to high heaven but tasted
great , even my fussy eater wife said the same, she liked the taste
but hold the nose! Now I can see why its a street food! Best if eaten
out side! LOL
IF nuoc mam is the preferred then I surely want that in my cupboard,
what is the type I bought typically used for? I also thought this
stuffed was illegal due to the as considered unsanitary manufacturing