Thread: Craving fruit
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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Craving fruit

Kate wrote:
> My numbers are close to being a diabetic, or so my doc says.
> I did post here a few days ago.
> I have dropped five pounds, and am trying hard to get my glucose level
> down, which is at 101.
> Can you please tell me if I can eat any and all the fruit I want, or
> is this too much sugar?

No, you probably cannot eat any and all fruit. It can be too much sugar for
a person with BG issues. Firstly, check out the lists of fruits that have a
low glycemic load, and what the net carb count per serving is, and what size
the serving is. Armed with that information, I would suggest that you aim at
a net carb count from all sources of about 15 gms per meal or snack, and see
how that works for you. It is best for BG control to combine those carbs
with some protein and/or fat, rather than have the carbs alone. So, rather
than eating a whole apple for a snack (a 100 gm apple has about 15 gms net
carb), you might try eating half an apple sliced, with 2 *measured* TBs of
*natural* peanut butter spread on the slices. (Personally I love Teddie
Super Chunk, and had switched to it long before diagnosis.) Or eat a whole
apple for lunch with a grilled chicken breast, or something else you like.

And of course to really know what is going on it is best if you test your
BGs at least at one and two hours after eating such a snack or meal to see
how it works for you. If you aren't testing, it is basically impossible to
tell how your system tolerates that specific food. Unfortunately, we all
seem to be different, so although recommendations like "exchanges" can be a
decent guideline to start with, only your meter can tell you the real truth.

I realize that you are undertaking a "prevention" campaign in hopes of
avoiding T2, and probably don't have a meter. I think what you are doing is
exactly right for your circumstances, so following the 15 gms/low glycemic
load standard will probably be good enough for your purposes, and fit in
with your weight loss program.

> My doc did say to stay away from fruit juice.
> I like Seltzer Water so this is not a problem for me.

Good. Fruit juice is like mainlining sugar. I was drinking diet sprite mixed
with some orange juice with calcium before DX. I had observed that it seemed
to cause this incredible craving/thirst/urination cycle, but didn't connect
the dots until after DX. You probably wouldn't have such an extreme effect,
but better to eat whole fruits than juice. For one thing, it's more filling!

> I tend to have a sweet tooth, and just purchased a box of very thin
> cookies called "Ginger Thins", from COSTCO. I am not too savvy about
> how to read the nutritional facts, but from what I can tell, if I eat
> just three of these cookies, it would amount to 9g of carbohydrate and
> .84g of sugar. The total calories is 74, and there is no cholesterol.
> If I am reading this right, then this would be a great snack if I get
> in the mood for a light dessert.
> Is this correct?

Sounds like it. But again, better as part of a meal than alone as a snack.

> Thanks, and sorry for the dumb question. I am trying to learn all I
> can.
> Kate

No question is dumb except the unasked question. <G>