Spaghetti Squash Pie
one of the reasons i am leaning away from acrylic is the need for a
specailty cleaner, i had enamel/tile before, used vinigar/bleach only
nothing else, so if i could find one that would use those i would definitely
consider it, thanks, Lee
"Evelyn" > wrote in message
> "Storrmmee" > wrote in message
> ...
>> i am open, if you don't want to post it here email me your list, we are
>> taking ideas from everywhere, btw one of the requirements is one story
>> only, when we bought this one it was one of the pluses, and no stairs,
>> and now that i am over fifty even more important, also going to do tile
>> as much as possible where its close to water. i just want throw rugs i
>> can pick up and wash, and i will definitely get a replacement roomba and
>> maybe even a scuba,
>> have just started looking at the water heaters, and am also considering
>> the little in line heaters for the shower, Lee
> Lee, we had Bath Fitters do our bathrooms, even the ceilings over the
> shower, and backsplash over the sink. The acrylic is wonderful. No
> tile grout to get moldy or discolored. Only thing is that you can't use
> just any old cleaning product like you can with tile. We love the
> convenience and cleanliness of the acrylic showers.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Evelyn
> In the stony fastness of the mountains there is a strange market, where
> one may barter the vortex of life for boundless bliss. - Milarepa