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Craving fruit
On 10/7/2010 4:24 PM, atec77 wrote:
> On 8/10/2010 4:10 AM, Kate wrote:
>> On 10/7/2010 4:24 AM, atec77 wrote:
>>> On 7/10/2010 2:58 PM, Kate wrote:
>>>> On 10/6/2010 6:29 AM, W. Baker wrote:
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> :>
>>>>> :> I can eat just about any fruit, but I put emphasis on berries and
>>>>> :> cantaloupe. I *never* drink *any* fruit juice. The whole fruit is
>>>>> much
>>>>> :> better for us, and you may find that it would also improve your
>>>>> BG if
>>>>> :> you eliminate that.
>>>>> :>
>>>>> :> MaryL
>>>>> : My numbers are close to being a diabetic, or so my doc says.
>>>>> : I did post here a few days ago.
>>>>> : I have dropped five pounds, and am trying hard to get my glucose
>>>>> level
>>>>> : down, which is at 101.
>>>>> Good for you on the weight loss. Just one point, glocose readings are
>>>>> not
>>>>> stable and move about durig the daay depepnding on all kinds of things
>>>>> largely wht we et and how much we move. You had a single reding at the
>>>>> doctor's office of 101, but that is not wht you will have all day
>>>>> long.
>>>>> Different foods and the time of day , etc will all effet those
>>>>> numbers.
>>>>> Tht ws why several people suggested you get a cheap meter like the
>>>>> Walmart
>>>>> Relion and it's less expensive stirps to see just what your body is
>>>>> doing
>>>>> with the food you eat.
>>>>> : Can you please tell me if I can eat any and all the fruit I want,
>>>>> or is
>>>>> : this too much sugar? My doc did say to stay away from fruit juice.
>>>>> : I like Seltzer Water so this is not a problem for me.
>>>>> Good! Juice is like drining fast sugar. I use ( as I just wrote in a
>>>>> post) the Crystal Light Classic Orange jusice substitute. It tastes
>>>>> quite
>>>>> sweet, which might please your sweet tooth without sugar :-) :
>>>>>> I tend to have a sweet tooth, and just purchased a box of very thin :
>>>>>> cookies called "Ginger Thins", from COSTCO. I am not too savvy
>>>>>> about :
>>>>>> how to read the nutritional facts, but from what I can tell, if I
>>>>>> eat :
>>>>>> just three of these cookies, it would amount to 9g of carbohydrate
>>>>>> and :
>>>>>> .84g of sugar. The total calories is 74, and there is no cholesterol.
>>>>> First, can you limit yourself to just 3 without going crazy? you could
>>>>> have, for the same number of carbs, some strawberries, or othe
>>>>> rberries,
>>>>> a modest sized piece of stone fruit like peach, plums or 2 apricots, a
>>>>> clementine orange, a half an apple, 9 cherries etc.
>>>>> : If I am reading this right, then this would be a great snack if I
>>>>> get in
>>>>> : the mood for a light dessert.
>>>>> It may well work for you with your very close to normal reading, but
>>>>> don't
>>>>> get into the habit of having the cookies every day, etc. You really
>>>>> an't
>>>>> know if it is correct for YOU(we are all different, hence the use of
>>>>> YMMV-Your Mileage Might Vary) unless you test to find out what this
>>>>> particular food does to your body a different times of the day.
>>>>> : Is
>>>>> this correct?
>>>>> : Thanks, and sorry for the dumb question. I am trying to learn all I
>>>>> can.
>>>>> Your question is NOT dumb. The only dumb question is the one you don't
>>>>> ask:-)
>>>>> : Kate
>>>>> Wendy
>>>> Wow, by reading these posts I am finding out that what works for one
>>>> person, may not work for the other. Now I see why a BG meter is so
>>>> important.
>>>> Thanks for the paragraph on the fruit. Very helpful.
>>>> Thanks Wendy.
>>> I post this from time to time
>>> it worked for me and very well dropping the levels to near normal in a
>>> matter of a couple of months , it might not help but for most people the
>>> weight loss and other improvements are excellent
>>> use the meter everyday initially and keep asking
>> Thanks for the url. Very informative, and I printed it out.
> Now go get a machine ,I am resistant but with changes recovery time is
> much improved and don't miss most things at all ,I replace ketchup with
> caramelised oinions
I am going to get a machine. Thanks. Then, I will need to read up on
how to do it. From what I am reading, it sounds like I will need to
test myself after every meal.