Thread: Craving fruit
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Craving fruit

"atec77" > wrote in message
> On 8/10/2010 2:15 PM, Julie Bove wrote:

>>>>>> Thanks Wendy.
>>>>> I post this from time to time
>>>>> it worked for me and very well dropping the levels to near normal in a
>>>>> matter of a couple of months , it might not help but for most people
>>>>> the
>>>>> weight loss and other improvements are excellent
>>>>> use the meter everyday initially and keep asking
>>>> Thanks for the url. Very informative, and I printed it out.
>>> Now go get a machine ,I am resistant but with changes recovery time is
>>> much improved and don't miss most things at all ,I replace ketchup with
>>> caramelised oinions

>> Heinz low carb or one carb or whatever it's called ketchup is really
>> good.
>> But I found I can eat regular ketchup. I only eat it on fries and some
>> in
>> meatloaf and I have neither one very often.

> Our local BBQ sauce is 60% sugar
> I wont use it these days

I've never liked BBQ sauce. I just assumed my husband did because when we
first got married, my MIL came to help us move in. Husband was away at
school somewhere and flying home. We didn't have the Internet in those days
so I grabbed the first cookbook out of the box and looked up a recipe that
would work with the few ingredients I had onhand. My nephew and I had gone
to the grocery store and bought a few things. We were only planning on
staying there long enough to get everything unpacked and put away and then
take MIL and nephew home.

I decided to make a Shepard's pie using ground beef. This is not something
we ever had at home but a friend made it once when I was in high school. My
friends and I took over a room that was called the Foreign Language Lounge.
The intent was to go there and study foreign languages, but nobody ever did.
My parents contributed some excess furniture to the room. We went there at
lunch time and since there was a full kitchen adjoining the room, we took
turns making lunch, often making it at home and reheating it there.

Anyway... MIL asked me if my husband even LIKED Shepard's pie? I didn't
know. She then told me I should have made a BBQ. To this day I have no
clue what she meant by that. We didn't own a BBQ grill so I could only
assume it was something make with BBQ sauce. We did have something when I
was in elementary school from the cafeteria that was called barbecued beef
on buttered bun. If I recall, it was ground beef in some kind of nasty
sauce and the bun was not buttered. I know this because I worked in the
cafeteria in 5th grade. We kids called it barbecued barf on buttered bean.
For some reason they always served green beans with this meal.

Somewhat recently I have tried a few recipes for things with prepared BBQ
sauce, using sauce that came highly recommended by various people. Neither
daughter nor husband liked these things at all. I have also bought some of
those tubs of shredded meat in BBQ sauce. I used to get some kind of
chicken that daughter wasn't allergic to. She liked it but ate it as is.
No bun. Husband hated the stuff. I can't get that any more. It was a
store brand and I think they quit making it. More recently I found some
pork that she wasn't allergic to. She liked it as well, but he hated it

I do remember him begging to go to a BBQ restaurant at Foxwood's casino when
we went there. They didn't have a menu. You just got a set plate of food.
I believe there was some kind of meat in sauce, corn on the cob, maybe a
potato and probably coleslaw. Maybe BBQ beans. Knowing how much I dislike
BBQ sauce, I refused to eat there because I knew I wouldn't eat anything
except for maybe one thing they put on that plate. So apparently he does
like some kind of BBQ.

He is from PA. I don't know if that kind of food is popular there or not.
It isn't very popular here. There are a few BBQ places around. But not
many. And of the two I am aware of, one is a little shack where you get
takeout and the other is in an industrial park where presumably you also get