Craving fruit
Kate > wrote:
: On 10/8/2010 12:37 PM, Janet wrote:
: > W. Baker wrote:
: >> > wrote:
: >>>> Now go get a machine ,I am resistant but with changes recovery time
: >>>> is much improved and don't miss most things at all ,I replace
: >>>> ketchup with caramelised oinions
: >>>>
: >>> I am going to get a machine. Thanks. Then, I will need to read up
: >>> on how to do it. From what I am reading, it sounds like I will need
: >>> to test myself after every meal.
: >>
: >> At first it is a good idea. Ultimaely you find, say what breakfasts
: >> are good FOR YOU and need't test everytime you eat ne of them, but
: >> sould you want to try something new, you might well want to test to
: >> see if it works. Same for other meals. after a while you will have a
: >> fine stable of food you can eat at luch or dinner and may well not
: >> need to test much.
: >>
: >> God luck nd keep on trying and asking. don't b frad of it all. a few
: >> mistakes will do you no long term harm.
: >>
: >> Wendy
: >
: > People have all different schedules, but to get started you might consider
: > something like this:
: >
: > When you get up in the morning before you eat or drink anything
: > One hour afer breakfast
: > Two hours after breakfast
: > Immediately before lunch
: > One hour after lunch
: > Two hours after lunch
: > Immediately before dinner
: > One hour after dinner
: > Two hours after dinner
: >
: > If you do that for a few days it will give you a pretty good idea of what is
: > going with what you currently eat, your current BMI, etc. If it is difficult
: > for you to schedule all those tests in one day, do the lunch ones one day
: > and the dinner ones the next. I always have a problem because I tend to eat
: > dinner late and can't fit in two tests afterwards.<G>
: >
: > If you then want to get scientific about it, you can start by establishing
: > readings for a lunch you often have, then add different foods. For example,
: > if you often eat 4 oz of grilled chicken and an apple and have tested that,
: > have canteloupe instead of the apple and see how you do. Next day try
: > carrots and low carb salad dressing as a dip with the chicken. And so forth.
: > If you do fine with the 15 gms of carb in the apple, add some carrots and
: > see how you do with 20 or 25 gms of carb with the chicken. Add some fat in
: > the form of mayo and make a chicken salad with apple, celery, and toasted
: > walnuts. And so forth.
: >
: > It's enlessly amusing! (Yeah, right<eyeroll>) As they say, your body, your
: > science experiment.<G>
: >
: >
: >
: Yikes, that is a lot of testing. Do you draw blood from different
: fingers each time? This, I think, will take some getting used to.
: Thanks.
Yes it wll, but it eventually becomes kind of second nature. Don't use
alcohol swabs to clean your fingers, just wash your hands well in warm
soapy water. Easier on the fingertips and the warm water makes the blood
come out easier. It will be tricky at first, but you will find the best
fingers for you to use. Personally, I find that ring man and middle man
work best, with pinky easy to get blood form, but painful(for me) and
pointer kind of hard to puncture easily. Your fingers might well be
different. The best lane r that I know of is the sooftclix by AccuChek.
Yu o NOT have t change the lancet for each test, but do change it if it
seems to get dull enough to hurt too much. some in here jokingly say that
they change theirs every year on St. Swithins Day, but just do what makes
you feel comfortalbe. Only if you let someone else use your lancer do you
have to change the lance right away, both before and after they use it.
I believe tht Alan has a piece on one of his blogs about good lancing and
testing technique. I have been teting for some 14 years now and have
never had a really sore finger or an infection(knock on wood:-) I have
changed the lancet qite a few times in that period:-)