cheese paper; was There'll be some good eatin' in the hood tonight
Sky wrote:
> With regard to "cheese paper", there's a brief article about 'A Good Way
> to Store Cheese' in the "Cook's Illustrated" magazine (bottom right, pg.
> 30, Nov/Dec 2010). The gist of the article says this:
> "Cheeses single-wrapped in plastic --whether cling wrap or zipper-lock
> bags-- were the first to show mold. However, cheeses shrouded in waxed
> or parchment paper alone lost moisture and dried out. The best method:
> waxed or parchment paper loosely wrapped with aluminum foil."
> I thought this was interesting. If that special cheese paper is
> expensive, then this sounds like a good, less expensive alternative (?).
> Oh, the article also says the double-wrapped method kept cheddar, brie,
> and fresh goat cheeses very well after six weeks.
> Sky
Thank you muchly for this research and information. I sometimes keep
really good cheeses a while (on the rare occasion when we haven't
gobbled them up all too quickly) and this could come in handy.