"Christopher Helms" > wrote in message
On Oct 12, 6:58 am, walt tonne > wrote:
> On Oct 12, 2:43 am, "Lawrence Akutagawa" >
> wrote:
> > Funny - stuff like water rates still keep going up hereabouts.
> >http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101011/...al_security_no...
> > Seniors prepared to cut back on everything from food to charitable
> > donations
> > to whiskey as word spread Monday that they will have to wait until at
> > least
> > 2012 to see their Social Security checks increase.
> > The government is expected to announce this week that more than 58
> > million
> > Social Security recipients will go through a second straight year
> > without an
> > increase in monthly benefits. This year was the first without an
> > increase
> > since automatic adjustments for inflation started in 1975.
> > /cnip - read the linked article/
> I'll bet federal employees salaries are not frozen! Average $74K per
> annum!
> Shufflers and mufflers. Sit back and watch the wheels come off!
They get automatic cost of living adjustments, but with inflation not
exactly a problem right now, they're not going to see any huge
increases either.
Funny.....I happened to notice the other day that the salsa I have been
paying 99 cents for at WINCO is now selling for $1.30 a jar.....But my SS
check will remain frozen for another year, because there is little or no
inflation? - RIGHT!!