Senior citizens brace for Social Security freeze
On Oct 12, 3:19*pm, "JonquilJan" > wrote:
> "Dimitri" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Yes I'll bet retired people are in fact studying this issue.
> > Lets see I'm sure the following commodities are lower in price this year
> > than last:
> > Electricity
> National Grid set to raise rates.
> > Natural Gas
> Not available where I live.
> > Phone service
> Will stay the same.
> > Internet
> Will stay the same (I have dial up)
> > Cable/Satellite TV
> Unknown
> > Movies
> Haven't seen one in years - too expensive.
> > Popcorn
> Buy in bulk - price about the same (and have a decent amount stored)
> > Medications
> Big problem - every time I get a refill, price is more.
> > Fresh vegetables
> Again - prices going up - go to the 'excess' rack for lower costs
> > Meat
> Eat very little - get protein from soy foods - TVP, tofu, some cheese.
> > Canned goods
> Get on sale and with coupons but mostly cook from scratch.
> > Milk, Eggs, butter, cheese.
> No milk (lactose) eggs watch when they are on sale and get enough for a few
> weeks, butter - use sparingly and get on sale, cheese use coupons and when
> on sale.
> > Auto/home owners' Insurance.
> Auto only - lowest legally possible - home not insurable.
> > Etc, Etc, Etc
> > Co-Pay for doctors visits with Medicare Advantage
> Big issue right now as have cataract surgery.
> > Medicare supplemental Ins.
> Can't afford.
> > No? *Then WTF is the government talking about?
> > Dimitri
> Wish I knew Dimitri. *I am 71, disabled, and still working (from home on my
> computer) *I get Social Security and I WILL get a raise - not COLA but
> because Soc Sec is based on total wages - and my total keeps getting bigger
> as long as I continue working. *Medical expenses are my biggest concern -
> and home maintainence - which is a bigger problem.
So many home builders are out of work that you can get home repairs
cheaper than a few years ago.
> Jan