Thread: Sherry
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Pennyaline[_8_] Pennyaline[_8_] is offline
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Default Sherry

On 10/13/2010 11:01, notbob wrote:
> Not the babe. The drink.
> On my recent trip to the big city, I bought some pale dry sherry
> instead of Chinese rice wine, a commom substitute. I've previously
> used Dry Sack with good results. The store only had Harvey's Bristol Creme
> Sherry(?), but I bought a cheaper brand. It tastes like a decent, but
> not great, Chinese rice wine, but that's another thread.

Really? I've not had a rice wine that was as sweet and sherry-ish as
Harvey's Bristol Creme is. Truth is that while I really like cream
sherry when I was younger, I can't abide it now and go for the drier ones.

> My concern, now, is about sherry, the drink. Seems like in all those
> Brit dramas, movies, books, etc, everyone is drinking Sherry. "Would
> you like a glass of Sherry, my dear?" Fine. I get the gist, sherry
> being a reinforced wine and all that, but why only the Limeys? You
> never read about it in American literature. Anyway, my question, and
> the point of this post, is, what's a good sipping sherry. I assume
> "sipping", cuz I've never heard of a sherry depth charge or a tomato
> sherry. What say the rfc brethren?

I love sherry but it is definitely an acquired taste and something that
wine snobs tend to pretend not to like. BTW, sherry is a fortified wine
and not a reinforced one .

Amontillado is very good. It's a good sherry, a good Poe story and a
good Monty Python skit--very adaptable stuff.