I need a clue - clay pot cookery
gloria.p wrote on Fri, 15 Oct 2010 11:35:45 -0600:
>> Or maybe just take an English class in the upper midwest. Anybody
>> else never heard of that word? :-P
>> I'm willing to accept the fact that I've just overlooked it
>> all these years.
>> -sw
> "Waffling" is used often in political adds as an alternative
> to flip-flopping. It means undecided or changing one's mind.
Waffle as a verb has a lot of meanings even in politics. These are from
the OED.
1. To yelp. Now dial.
2. a. To waver; to vacillate or equivocate; to ‘dither’. orig. Sc.
and north. dial. Now colloq. or non-Standard.
b. To talk (or write) in a verbose but inconsequential manner; to
ramble on.
c. Of an aircraft or motor vehicle: to cruise along in a leisurely
manner, usu. at low speed. colloq. (orig. R.A.F.).
I would say that 2. b. is pretty common among pols. too.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: not.jim.silverton.at.verizon.not