In article >,
"l, not -l" > wrote:
> On 14-Oct-2010, Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> > I have a beautiful SchlemmerTopf clay baker, a gift from a friend. It's
> > been some time since I've used it and I'm waffling as to how to proceed.
> > I *have* the use/care/recipe booklet but it's a little vague on roasting
> > time.
> >
> > I have a 5-1/2# frying chicken that I want to roast in this thing and
> > the recipe book for "Chicken Oktoberfest" states only 1 frying chicken
> > (with some seasonings) baked, covered, for 90 minutes at 425°F.
> > starting in a cold oven.
> I checked "the Clay-Pot Cookbook", which is what I usually reference when
> using my Romertopf. The recipe with the closest weight chicken was Roast
> Chicken with Brown Rice Stuffing; it specifies a 4 to 5 pound chicken in a
> 480F (starting from cold) oven for 80 minutes.
> I'm not sure how duck and chicken compare cooking-time wise; but, there is a
> roast duck recipe in the book that specifies a 5 to 6 pound duck in a 480F
> (starting from cold) oven for 90 minutes.
> If it were me cooking a 5 1/2 pounder, I'd go 480F for 90 minutes. I
> assume the SchlemmerTopf is like other clay vessels and should be soaked in
> water for some period of time before each use.
Okay, Dude. Why 480 deg? Never seen that temp in a recipe. Always in
25 deg. increments.
And, yes, it's soaking as we speak. Thanks for the research.
Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Holy Order of the Sacred Sisters of St. Pectina of Jella
"Always in a jam, never in a stew; sometimes in a pickle."
A few pics from the Fair are he