'''Indias ''filthy" and 'empty'' Common wealth Games
"Peter Lucas" > wrote in message
> Here we are we give the indians a chance to proof themselves the equal
> to the proper commonwealth countrys (canada england australia ) and
> sure enough they prove to be the primitive filtyh savages I knew them
> to be! These third world non english speaking countries are hopeless
> and useless yet we allow them to host our games just to be PC! Well i
> do wonder if NOW some peoples might think again. and about time to.
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
Be fair they've spent what little money they have on proper priorities,
like a multi $Billion nuclear weapons program to defend themselves
from the other lot who have done the same.
That Ghandi bloke has a lot to answer for
Steve Terry
"I would like to plead for my right to investigate natural phenomena
without having guns pointed at me.
I also ask for the right to be wrong without being hanged for it."
- Wilhelm Reich, November 1947