Aussie wrote on Fri, 15 Oct 2010 23:37:17 GMT:
>> Apparantly it's oyster season on the East Coast of Canada.
>> My local supermarket are advertising them for 99 cents each.
>> I've no idea whether that's a good price or not.
> That's a fair price.... so long as they are *fresh*.
>> But I was intrigued as to how
>> many different varieties I can choose from - five listed in
>> the flyer, all with the exception of Blue Point from N.Y.,
>> came from the Maritimes. Words to describe each variety
>> ranged from "small & round"; " fresh, clean, salty with a
>> sweet aftertaste"; " "meatier &
>> free-of-sand"; "melt-in-your-mouth, delicate texture" and
>> "meaty yet salty interior and and smooth creamy texture".
>> Now how confusing is all that!!.
> Not at all!!
> Each variety of oyster has a different flavour. They are like
> wine, depending on where they are grown is what they taste
> like.
A dollar each is pretty cheap these days. Oh for the good old days.
"It's a wery remarkable circumstance, sir," said Sam, "that poverty and
oysters always seem to go together."- Charles Dickens, The Posthumous
Papers of the Pickwick Club.
Dr Johnson used to buy them to feed his cat; "Hodge".
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: not.jim.silverton.at.verizon.not