Rapeseed Oil or Canola Oil
On Oct 16, 2:59*pm, ImStillMags > wrote:
> On Oct 16, 12:37*pm, "Emrys Davies" > wrote:
> > "zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> ...
> > > On 10/16/2010 1:59 PM, Emrys Davies wrote:
> > >> I mostly cook curries by browning pieces of chicken breast in Extra
> > >> Virgin Olive Oil and then adding Lloyd Grossman's Chicken Tika Masala ,
> > >> but I now want you to help me decide whether or not I switch to Canola
> > >> or Olive Oil as I have been told that what I use at the moment is not
> > >> suitable.
> > > Try using peanut oil, or (my favorite) coconut oil.
> > Sorry, my header should have been: *Canola Oil or Olive Oil?
> Well I don't know who told you that olive oil is not suitable. *It
> certainly is. *If you like the flavor that olive oil gives your food,
> by all means use it. *I would not switch to Canola oil (it is rapeseed
> oil you know). * If you want to switch from olive oil use peanut oil
> or coconut oil or palm oil. *All those have their own flavor profiles
> and all are perfectly healthy when used in moderation. * *For sauteing
> or browning any of these are fine.
I find peanut oil almost completely tasteless.
> I don't know how you feel about GMO foods but pretty much all the
> canola oil you find these days is from GMO grain. * That's why I stay
> away from it.
What is your issue with GM crops? Just curious.