Stove faucet
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 07:58:41 -0500, "Pete C." >
>Dan Abel wrote:
>> In article >,
>> sf > wrote:
>> > That's one kitchen concept I just do not understand. It's not okay to
>> > carry a pot of cold water to the stove, but it's okay to carry a pot
>> > of hot water back to the sink? <boggle>
>> My son got burned pretty badly this summer trying to dump a pot of
>> boiling pasta and water into a strainer. It was pasta for 130 people at
>> church camp, and there were two of them holding it. They saved the
>> pasta, but my son got burned on his arm, thigh and foot. He feels fine
>> now, but it still looks ugly.
>This is why they have pasta strainer baskets that you cook the pasta in
>and then just lift the strainer out of the cooking pot.
Bullshit... to lift that much pasta necessitates a crane.